I'll try to fill this out with links and cut-and-paste March images in the next few days. From a
1915 Primary Education periodical:
PoemsSigns of the Seasons — Hathaway.The Wind.
Sun's Travels — Stevenson.
Written in March — Wordsworth.March — H. H. Jackson.March.
Little Gustava(very sweet!).
Song of Easter — Thaxter.
One Bird — Van Dyke.
The Swallows — Arnold.Little White Lily — Macdonald.The Little Plant — Kate Brown.StoriesThe Ugly Duckling, Little Ida's Flowers — Andersen
The Foolish Weather Vane — Published by Rand, McNally & Company.
The Winds — Burnham.
March's Call, Half a Hundred Stories — Published by Milton Bradley Company.
Legends — Proserpine, Wind and Sun, Sleeping Beauty, Siegfried and Brunhilde; What Annie Saw — Published by Educational Publishing Company.
Pictures For StudySt. Anthony of Padua — Murillo.
He is Risen — Plockhorst.
Spring — Corot.
Chorister Boys — Anderson.
Robin Redbreast — Munier.
Swallows. A Resting Place — Laux.
Sparrows — Laux.
Morning Talks And Occupation WorkSigns of spring; color of sky; position of sun; the brook waking up; frogs; turtles; woodchucks; returning birds.
Make chart. Upon it note arrival of first robin; bluebird; blackbird; barn swallow; chipping sparrow; song sparrow;woodpecker; meadow lark. Take time each morning throughout the month to hear about any bird that has returned.
Keep descriptions of birds in little booklets. If possible, illustrate each page with picture of bird in color.
Winds; use of; what each brings.Use sand table to model things which the wind does. Have a large weather vane in the center modeled by one of the older boys. Around it have miniature sailboats, windmills, kites, lines of clothes, etc.
Poem for illustration with charcoal or by paper cutting:Twilight of mad March evening
Wee Robert was snug in bed.
"And what has the wind been doing?"
To mamma he sleepily said.
The pine trees outside were singing,
She heard their wild lullaby.
"The wind has been busy since morning,"
She said, "when we heard it pass by.
"It turned every wind mill it came to,
It speeded the boats on the sea,
It fluttered the clothes on the clothesline
Until they were dry as could be.
"It caught a man's hat and whirled it
Away down the long white street.
And everyone laughed and wondered
If man or March wind would beat.
"It came where some boys were flying
Their kites of every hue
And carried one up to cloud land.
Did that kite belong to you?
"It turned the proud vane on the steeple.
It tossed roaring waves on the shore;
Then gently it sang at twilight
For my babe when the day was o'er."
Trees and buds.Study twigs. Force sprigs of lilac, cherry, willow, beech, and horse chestnut by placing in fresh water in the sunshine.
Maple trees; sap; sugar. How trees are tapped; how sap is carried to sugar house; sap making in olden time.
Make brush drawings of twigs. Cut barn from dark red paper. Take the silver gray pussies from the twigs and paste in position about barn as if a whole family of kittens were at play there. Add heads and tails with pencils.
In connection with study of maple sugar, cut sap buckets, sugar house, boiling kettle and pans.