Showing posts with label Children's Readers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children's Readers. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Advanced Reader/Google Books

Title The Advanced Reader(middle school and up)
Nelson's School Series
Publisher T. Nelson and Sons, 1866
Length 400 pages
Click here.

Page 9:


It is Noble to seek Truth, and it is Beautiful to find it. It is the ancient feeling of the human heart, that knowledge is better than riches; and it is deeply and sacredly true. To mark the course of human passions as they have flowed on in the ages that are past; to see why nations have risen, and why they have fallen; to speak of heat, and light, and the winds; to know what man has discovered in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; to hear the chemist unfold the marvellous properties that the Creator has locked up in a speck of earth; to be told that there are worlds so distant from our own, that the quickness of light, travelling from the world's creation, has never yet reached us; to wander in the creations of poetry, and grow warm again with that eloquence which swayed the democracies of the Old World; to go up with great reasoners to the First Cause of all, and to perceive, in the midst of all this dissolution and decay and cruel separation, that there is one thing unchangeable, indestructible, and everlasting;—it is worth while in the days of our youth to strive hard for this great discipline; to pass sleepless nights for it; to give up for it laborious days; to spurn for it present pleasures; to endure for it afflicting poverty; to wade for it through darkness, and sorrow, and contempt, as the great spirits of the world have done in all ages and all times.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The School and Family Primer/Google Books

Title The School and Family Primer
Harper's school and family series
Author Marcius Willson
Publisher Harper & brothers, 1860
Length 48 pages
Click here.

The First-Fifth Reader, Volume 4(Middle School)/Google Books

Title The First-Fifth Reader, Volume 4
Author Marcius Willson
Publisher Harper, 1860
Click here.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

McGuffey's New First Eclectic Reader(1857 version)/Google Books

Title McGuffey's New First Eclectic Reader
Author William Holmes McGuffey
Publisher Sargent, Wilson, Hinkle & Co., 1857
Length 60 pages
Click here

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Children's First Reader(more like third grade)/Google Books

This is an advanced first reader. It would probably suit a second grade level reader.
Title The Children's First
Author Ellen M. Cyr
Publisher Ginn & co., 1892
Click here

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Brooks's Readers: Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Years/Google Books

Title Brooks's Readers: Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Years
Author Stratton Duluth Brooks
Publisher American book co., 1907
See here.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

City and Town: A Third Reader/Google Books

Title City and Town: A Third Reader
Author Pauline Frost Rafter
Publisher B.H. Sanborn, 1912
Length 292 pages
Click here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Art-literature Readers, Book 4‎/Google Books

Title The Art-literature readers, Book 4
Authors Eulalie Osgood Grover, Frances Elizabeth Chutter
Publisher Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, 1909
Click here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Wide Awake Fourth Reader/Google Books

Title The Wide Awake Fourth Reader
Author Etta Austin Blaisdell McDonald
Publisher Little, Brown and Co., 1913
Click here.

Very sweet story selections, especially for spring.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bow-wow and Mew-mew(Easy Reader)/Google Books

Title Bow-wow and Mew-mew
Author Georgiana Marion Craik
Publisher Beckley-Cardy, 1914
Length 95 pages
Click here

Bow-Wow And Mew-mew is one of the few books for beginners in reading that may be classed as literature. Written in words of mostly one syllable, it has a story to tell, which is related in so attractive a manner as to immediately win the favor of young children. It teaches English and English literature to the child in the natural way: through a love for the reading matter. It is the character of story that will, in the not distant future, replace the ordinary primer or reader with detached sentences, and which seldom possesses any relation to literature.

The ultimate objects of any story can only be effected through the love for a story. The prominent point in this story is development of good character, which may well be regarded as the highest purpose of education. The transformation from bad to good traits in the dog and cat cannot but have a desirable effect on every child that reads the story. Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew become dissatisfied with their home and their surroundings, and ungrateful toward their benefactress. As the story tells, "They did not find good in any thing." But after running away and suffering hunger, neglect, and bad treatment, their characters begin to change. They naturally come to reflect their mistress's goodness. They learn the value of companionship and friendship, and the appreciation of a home. However, the ethical thoughts in the story are presented without a moral. The child really lives the scenes described. He has the emotions of the characters and feels their convictions. And this determines the worth of a story as an agent in character development.

The narrative furnishes, further, the proper kind of exercise for the imagination. It affords abundant opportunity for the play of the dramatic instinct in the child, and effects a happy union of the "home world" and the " school world." The illustrations, drawn by Miss Hodge, have been planned and executed with considerable care. J. C. S.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Eighth Reader, the Introduction to Literature/Google Books

Title Eighth Reader, the Introduction to Literature
Authors Franklin Thomas Baker, Ashley Horace Thorndike
Publisher Macmillan Co., 1918
Length 415 pages
Click here

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The See and Say Series Readers Book 1/Google Books

Book One, as the title-page explains, is a Picture Book, which, by means of its pictures and stories, presents and teaches the sounds of the letters of the alphabet, with simple lessons in word building.

The See and Say Series, Book 1, Teacher's Manual 

The See and Say Series Book 1

I ordered this book via QOOP, on the sidebar on main page at link. They will print the exact PDF as a paperback book copy for you. I've been going through this with my daughter(Pre-K/K) who is enjoying all the adventurous pictures, which are stories unto themselves. This is an enjoyable beginning letter sound/phonics book.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Literary Reader for Higher Grades, Book 6/Google Books

Title The Literary Reader for Higher Grades, Book 6
The Literary Reader for Higher Grades, Kate Forrest Oswell
Authors Kate Forrest Oswell, Charles Benajah Gilbert
Publisher The Macmillan Co., 1912
Length 591 pages

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Boys' and Girls' Readers: Sixth[grade] Reader/Google Books

Title The Boys' and Girls' Readers: Sixth[grade] Reader
Author Emma Miller Bolenius
Publisher Houghton Mifflin, 1919

Teacher's Manual

The Boys' and Girls' Reader: Fourth[Grade] Reader/Google Books

Title The Boys' and Girls' Reader: Fourth[Grade] Reader
Author Emma Miller Bolenius
Publisher Houghton Mifflin company, 1919

Teacher's Manual

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Golden Ladder Book(Third Grade Reader)/Google Books

"This particular book, designed for pupils approximately of the third grade, embodies all the fundamental features of the Series. It deals with the virtues and vices peculiar to children of this age. The material has been prepared with the utmost care. Very naturally in a Reader for pupils of this grade the personal, home, and school virtues are especially emphasized rather than those of a broader social life, which belong to a later period of the child's unfolding...."

Title The Golden Ladder Book: A School Reader

Authors Elias Hershey Sneath, George Hodges, Edward Lawrence Stevens
Publisher Macmillan, 1913
Length 264 pages

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hide and Seek( Early Reader)/Google Books

Appears to be about a third grade level.
Title: Hide and seek
Publisher: Dodd, Mead, 1881
Length: 45 pages