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Elementary - early middle school.
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John James Audubon, Lover and Student of Birds i
Mark Hopkins, President of Williams College . . . .11
Cyrus H. McCoRM1CK, Inventor of the Reaper .... 20
Charles Goodyear, a Man who Persevered .... 30
William T. G.morton, Master of Pain 39
Elias Howe, Inventor of the Sewing-Machine .... 47
Maria Mitchell, Astronomer and Teacher 54
Henry Oscar Houghton, Printer and Publisher . . .61
Cyrus W. Field, the Manwho Laid the Atlantic Cable. . .71
Jean Lou1s Rodolphe Agassiz, Beloved Teacher of Science . 79
Julia Ward Howe, Author of the "Battle Hymn of the Repub-
George Thorndike Angell, Knight of Kindness to Animals 97
Luther Burbank, Plant-Breeder 106
Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of the Telephone . .115
John Wanamaker, Founder of the Store . . .122
Frances E. Willard, Temperance Reformer 132
Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross . . . 140
Booker T. Washington, Founder of Tuskegee Institute . . 147
Augustus Saint-gaudens, Greatest American Sculptor . .157
James Jerome Hill, Builder of Railroads 168
John Muir, the Man who Loved Trees and Mountains . .179
Theodore Thomas, the Man who Taught us to Love Music . 189
Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor 199
Edwin Austin Abbey, Illustrator and Painter .... 208
Samuel Pierpont Langley, Inventor of the First Heavier-than-
Andrew Carnegie, the Man who Would not Die Rich . . 228
William Crawford Gorgas, who Made the Canal Zone
Robert E. Peary, Discoverer of the North Pole .... 245
"In a very real and interesting way, The King Nobody Wanted tells the story of Jesus. Where the actual words of the Bible are used, they are from the King James Version. But the greater part of the story is told in the words of every day.
Since you will certainly want to look up these stories in your own Bible, the references are given on pages 191 and 192. You will discover that often more than one Gospel tells the same story about Jesus, but in a slightly different way. In The King Nobody Wanted, the stories from the Gospels have been put together so that there is just one story for you to read and understand and enjoy."
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344 | |
Chivalry , joust , minstrels | |
347 | |
middle ages , farmed in common , scat | |
349 | |
craft guilds , merchant guild , main purpose | |
350 | |
Inns of Court , Middle Temple , Twelfth Night | |
354 | |
single houses , male heir , American readers | |
355 | |
proscenium , actors , Elizabethan plays | |
363 | |
bear-baiting , falconry , judicial combat | |
370 | |
Boy Bishop , Whitsunday , Childermas | |
378 | |
Roman Catholic church , established church , nonconformist | |
383 | |
astrology , Ptolemaic astronomy , Alchemy |
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