Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Say Fellows-": Fifty Practical Talks with Boys on Life's Big Issues/Project Gutenberg

Adapted from the Author's weekly Sunday School
Lesson Treatments in The Sunday School Times,
by permission of the Editors.
Fleming H. Revell Company

Click here.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Saint Patrick and Irish Children's Stories, Activities and Music

To print pages, right click on the image of the page, and then print picture or save picture. Make sure the page is on HMTL(bottom right on sidebar). I should have defaulted all these links to come up as HMTL. Get to main download page by clicking through, "Write review", then "About book". Sorry, they have changed things since I wrote this post last year. I've bumped this up from 3/11/08.

Stories of Saints, 1880, about a fourth grade reading level and up.

The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, 1866, detailed history for older children.

The Every-day Book and Table Book , Saint Patrick biography for older students

Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints: With Reflections for Every Day in the ... - Page 171 , middle elementary grade reading level.

Saint Patrick from Our Island Saints by Amy Steedman, middle elementary reading level and up.

The Seven Champions of Christendom: A New Version from the Most Ancient , Saint Patrick, middle elementary reading level and up.

Children's Stories and how to Tell Them, BARNEY NOONAN'S FAIRY HAYMAKERS (Re-told from the Irish) .

World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls: One Hundred and Eighty-seven ... - Page 86 , Saint Patrick and the Snakes.

The Mary Dawson game book: a manual of original games and guessing contests, didactic games, good for unit studies.

Child-garden: Story, Song, Play, The Four-Leaved Clover, Kindergarten

The World and Its People, Ireland where the Shamrock Grows, fifth grade

The American Normal Readers: Fourth Grade, An Irish legend.

Golden Rod Fairy Book, THE FIELD OF BOLIAUNS


Irish Fairy Tales

Celtic Fairy Tales

Poems by Grades: Containing Poems Selected for Each Grade of the School , seventh grade, Song of the Clover(not specifically Irish)

An Elementary Class-book of General Geography, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

The Old-fashioned Fairy Book, THE LEPERHAUN. A Legend of the Emerald Isle.

Reading with Expression: Fifth grade, THE FAIRY SHOEMAKER

The American School Readers, Fourth Grade, The Magic Well

Child-garden: Story, Song, Play: The Four-Leaved Clover, elementary school.

The King Nobody Wanted/Project Gutenberg

"In a very real and interesting way, The King Nobody Wanted tells the story of Jesus. Where the actual words of the Bible are used, they are from the King James Version. But the greater part of the story is told in the words of every day.

Since you will certainly want to look up these stories in your own Bible, the references are given on pages 191 and 192. You will discover that often more than one Gospel tells the same story about Jesus, but in a slightly different way. In The King Nobody Wanted, the stories from the Gospels have been put together so that there is just one story for you to read and understand and enjoy."

Begin reading here. Main download page.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Champion Spelling Book/Google Books

Champion Spelling Book: For Public and Private Schools
By Warren Edwin Hicks
Published by American book company, 1909
238 pages

I believe this is for grades one - six, a section a grade.

Main page
Begin reading here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mother Carey's Chickens/Google Books

Begin Reading here.
Main page.

Mother Carey's Chickens
By Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911
355 pages

Mother Carey's Chickens
Amazon review: . Another heartwarming tale from the author of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. In this story the reader follows a strong-willed widow, Nancy Carey, as she struggles for the future of her beautiful daughters Nancy and Kitty and her beloved son Peter. Good humor and folksy grit help Mother Carey keep poverty and the wrong fellows for her daughters at bay.

An old fashioned story with old fashioned values - uplifting and edifying fiction.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Days of the Discoverers /Google Books

Days of the Discoverers
By Louise Lamprey
Published by Frederick A. Stokes company, 1921
300 pages

Living history, Vikings - 17th century. Begin reading here.

Main page

The Boy of Mount Rhigi/Google Books

The Boy of Mount Rhigi
By Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Published by Crosby and Nichols, 1862
252 pages

Main page
Begin reading here.


"Senior High to Adult: Besides fishing in the beautiful wooded hills of Mount Rhigi, Massachusetts, Harry Davis and Clapham Dunn have little in common as far as their upbringing. Harry can hardly relate to the brutal existence that Clapham endures every day—which has molded his character and produced tormenting frustration and fear in his heart. Emotionally and spiritually bankrupt, Clapham, like a magnet, is drawn to the love and acceptance of the Davises. But one sad day he is seized and threatened to do that which is unthinkable. Long, miserable, dark days follow. But though sorrow endures for the night, the healing balm of truth brings joy in the morning.

About the author...

Both the public and her contemporaries regarded Catharine Maria Sedgwick highly. Catharine was actually one of the first American female authors to gain fame. She gained her recognition through writing stories with Christian morals such as were popular during her day."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

In the Days of the Guild/Google Books

In the Days of the Guild
By Louise Lamprey
Published by Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1918
291 pages

Main page. Begin reading here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Elementary Composition/Google Books

Elementary Composition(advanced middle school and up)
By Dorothy Canfield Fisher, George Rice Carpenter
Published by The Macmillan company, 1906
274 pages

Main page

Begin reading here.

Stories of the Pilgrims/Google Books

Main page
Begin reading here.

Stories of the Pilgrims
By Margaret Blanche Pumphrey, Lucy Fitch Perkins
Published by Rand, McNally & Company, 1912
241 pages

This book has been republished by Christian Liberty Press, and is a part of their fourth grade curriculum. Yesterday's Classics also has this in reprint. See main page for all book links.


Monday, March 2, 2009

A Spring Flora for High Schools/Goggle Books

A Spring Flora for High Schools
By Henry Chandler Cowles, John Gaylord Coulter
Published by American book company, 1915
144 pages

Main page

Begin reading here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ten Boys who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now/Google Books

Ten Boys who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now
By Jane Andrews
Published by Ginn & company, 1913
249 pages

Main page

Begin reading here.

Appropriate for about ages 10 -12.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Madonna and of the Goldfinch/Internet Archive

Published in 1917 by Amy Steedman. "Stories of Italy and of little Italian boy and girls, into which has been woven much interesting information concerning Italian customs and beliefs. Beautifully illustrated." ~ 1918 Publishers Weekly

Click here.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Knights of Art; Stories of the Italian Painters/ Internet Archive

Published in 1907 by Amy Steedman, art history with pictures for elementary aged children.

Click here.

The Child's World Fourth Grade Reader/ Google Books

The Child's World Fourth Reader
By Sarah Withers, Hetty Sibyl Browne, William Knox Tate
Published by B.F. Johnson, 1917

Begin reading here.
Main page

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Facts and Backgrounds of Literature: American and British/Google Books

All this and more:

Chivalry , joust , minstrels
middle ages , farmed in common , scat
craft guilds , merchant guild , main purpose
Inns of Court , Middle Temple , Twelfth Night
single houses , male heir , American readers
proscenium , actors , Elizabethan plays
bear-baiting , falconry , judicial combat
Boy Bishop , Whitsunday , Childermas
Roman Catholic church , established church , nonconformist
astrology , Ptolemaic astronomy , Alchemy

Main page

The Facts and Backgrounds of Literature: English and American
By George Fullmer Reynolds, Garland Greever
Published by The Century Co., 1920
425 pages

Begin reading here

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Country: A Textbook in Civics and Patriotism for Young Americans/Google Books

From the introduction: "Many of the pupils in whose hands this book is placed will never read or study another discussion of civics and patriotism. Is it more important that they get from this text a detailed knowledge of the machinery of town, city, county, state, and national government, or that they get deeply implanted in their minds and hearts the conviction that America is really a nation founded on liberty, that it is a nation which looks to them to-day and every day to help in its building, that patriotism means making the most of every opportunity that this land of opportunities offers. The author has felt that unless the boy and the girl leave the elementary or junior high school with a definite conception of what America stands for, what it expects them to do now as boys and girls and later as men and women, they will be futile, even if well-meaning, citizens.

This book therefore aims to create a background which will help the teacher develop a spirit of true patriotism (this is accomplished by the early chapters in the book), and, when this has been kindled, to take the pupil into the technical part of the subject (the chapters on laws, government, taxes, thrift, etc.). In these chapters, as in the earlier ones, the pupil is never allowed to lose touch with the American spirit which is the keynote of the whole text. And finally he is led to symbolize love of country in a consideration of the flag. The Appendix will assist those teachers who wish to emphasize the mechanics of the subject in a broad way. The minor details of local government vary in each state and cannot be included in a text of this kind."

Begin reading here.
Main page

My Country: A Textbook in Civics and Patriotism for Young Americans
By Grace Alice Turkington, Newell Convers Wyeth
Illustrated by Newell Convers Wyeth
Published by Ginn and Company, 1918
394 pages

Friday, February 20, 2009

Business Mathematics/Google Books

Click here to begin reading.

Main page
Business Mathematics: A Textbook for Schools
By Edward Ira Edgerton, Wallace Edgar Bartholomew
Published by The Ronald press company, 1921
305 pages