Saturday, July 7, 2007

Aunt Mary's Primer(K-First)/Project Gutenberg

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When Little Mary (or any other little girl or boy) knows all the letters perfectly, let the teacher turn over a page and pronounce one of the mono-syllables. Do not say a, m, am—but say am at once, and point to the word. When the child knows that word, then point to the next, and say as, and be sure to follow the same plan throughout the book. Spelling lessons may be taught at a more advanced age; but it will be found that a young child will learn to read much more quickly if they be dispensed with in the Primer. In words of more than one syllable, it is best to pronounce each syllable separately, car, pet,—po, ker,—and so on. In the lesson on "Things in the Room," point out each thing as the child reads the word, and indeed, wherever you can, try to associate the word with its actual meaning. Show a child the word coach as a coach goes past, and she will recollect that word again for ever. In the "Lesson on the Senses," make the child understand how to feel cold and heat, by touching a piece of cold iron or marble, and by holding the hand to the fire,—how to smell, to hear, to see, and to taste. In the "Lesson on Colours," be sure to show each colour as it is read; and endeavour to make every Lesson as interesting as you can. Never weary a child with long lessons. The little poem at the end is intended to be read to the child frequently, that she may gradually learn it by heart. " ~ Aunt Mary's Primer, published in 1851.

Note: Don't hold child's hand to fire(which means near)! This is an old book(pre-electricity), and safety meant something different back then. I'm sure most people know this, but since it's quoted here I feel obliged to mention this.

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