Public school methods, Volume 1(Kindergarten).
Main page.
School arts, Volume 19 Red Cross and American Indian dolls and boy scout, camp fire girl, and little Mary.
Main page.
Homes for Paper Dolls, Harper's Bazaar .
Main page.
Industrial art text-books(dolls, clothes, furniture, and rooms) Pages 30-40.
Main page.
What shall we do now?: Five hundred games and pastimes, Paper dolls Pages 258-262. Doll house furniture, pages 243-257 .
Main page.
Taylor First Grade Reader with story and dolls. Pages 42-43(house), and pages 72-74, pages 76-78.
Godey's Magazine - numerous. Scroll down to images of select pages.
Easy steps in housekeeping; or, Mary Frances' adventures among the doll people - doll furniture and story book.