Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Multi-Grade Readings for Children

Public School Methods, Memorial Day lesson suggestions. Elementary school.

One Year of Sunday School Lessons for Young Children, Gideon's Army.

The Patriotic Reader, for Seventh and Eighth Grades, Memorial Day.

Seat Work and Industrial Occupations: A Practical Course for Primary, pages 88-89, craft.

Fifth Reader, Liberty or Death!

Memorial Day (Decoration Day) Its Celebration, Spirit, and Significance, high school.

History primer, late elementary - middle school.

Stories for Every Holiday
middle elementary school.

Home Occupations for Boys and Girls, elementary school.

Reading suggestions from above: Lincoln's
Gettysburg address should be read. Also Lowell's "
The Present Crisis."(high school) "Bugle Echoes," compiled by
Francis F. Browne, contains 150 poems of the Civil
War, both Northern and Southern(high school).

Story Hour Readings, seventh grade, Woodrow Wilson address.

Printable Memorial Day short stories for elementary school.

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