Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nature Study by Grades: A Text-book for Grades Fourth and Fifth

Clik here.

Children's Literature: A Textbook of Sources for Teachers/Google Books

Click here.

Science for the Fifth Grade with Experiments/Google Books

Click here.

Teaching Poetry in the Grades(Grades 1-8)/Google Books

Click here.

Poems by Grades(Grades 5-8)/Google Books



Never lose an opportunity to see anything beautiful.
Beauty is God's handwriting.

Two men look out through the same bars ;
One sees the mud and one the stars.

Click here.

Complete Graded Arithmetic: 5th Grade

Click here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Audio Book at Librivox: Great Artists: Volume 1

"Biographies of Raphael Santi, Murillo, Peter Paul Rubens, and Albrecht Durer. This is a wonderful tool for art study as there are references for further study, as well as ideas for language arts to incorporate into the study." Summary by Laura Caldwell.

Click in title.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Multigrade Story Printables for April and May

All are free and in public domain. Printing Google Books: Follow the link, right click on the image of the page, and print picture. It will print as a full sized page. Entire books are also downloadable.

The Lincoln Fourth Grade Reader: Voices of Spring Poem by William Wordsworth.

Games and Songs of American Children: Flower Games and the Birch Broom.

Standard Catholic Fourth Grade Reader: The Daisy and the Lark by Hans Christian Anderson

The Little Girl's Own Book of Games and Activities: May Morning.Elementary school.

Three Years with the Poets: A Text-book of Poetry - First grade: Verses from the Song of Solomon and Pippa's Song by Robert Browning. Second grade: April, the Runaway Brook and Little May Spring, Song of the Fairy by William Shakespeare More here, pages 70-76.
Third grade: pages 103-105 and 131-138.

A little about the Flower Festivals in Japan from The World and Its People.

For the Story Teller: Story Telling and Stories to Tell: The Selfish Giant. Elementary school.

Reading-literature: Fourth(Grade) Reader Apollo and Daphne

Nature Study in Elementary Schools - Second Grade: April - May Teacher's manual: April through May Synopsis and April - May course of study.

Language Lessons from Literature(high school): Rhoecus

The New Barnes Third Grade Reader: Rhoecus

The Classic Myths in English Literature(high school): Rhoecus and here.

Junior High School Literature Book Three(ninth grade): Rhoecus Poems: Lines Written in Early Spring, Wordsworth, the Call of Spring, Noyes and April North Carolina.

Stories from the Poets: A Reader for the First Grade: Rhoecus

Day by Day in the Primary School(early elementary) : April and May.

The Child's World Fourth Grade: Rhoecus

Children's Literature: A Story of Springtime(Myth) and The Miraculous Pitcher(Philemon and Baucis) by N. Hawthorne

Elson Primary Fourth Grade School Reader: The Miraculous Pitcher(Philemon and Baucis) by N. Hawthorne

The Progressive Road to Reading Fifth Grade: The Miraculous Pitcher(Philemon and Baucis) by N. Hawthorne

The Young and Field Literary Readers: Old Pipes and the Dryad.

A Fourth Grade Reader: Old Pipes and the Dryad.

Spring Nature Study(elementary school)

Farm Life Fourth Grade Reader: The Little Brown Seed(poem)

The Robin Reader - A First Reader: Two Little Seeds

The Sprague Classic Second Grade Reader: The Story of a little Plant,Pussy Willow Has Come, and Spring.

Good English, Oral and Written Fourth Grade: Baby Seed Song(poem)

Live Language Lessons: Springtime Stories, Persephone(middle school)

Songs of Happy Life: April music sheet.

New Fifth Grade Reader: Spring(poem) and Early Spring, Tennyson(poem)

The Heart of Oak Books Sixth Grade: The Dandelion(poem).

Story Land - A Second Reader: Baby Seed's Song(poem) and A Spring Folic.

Poems and Verses By Mary Mapes Dodge:
Now the Noisy Winds Are Still.

Nature Study and the Child: Work for April

St. Nicholas By Mary Mapes Dodge: The Hyacinths

Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks: April - May.

Brooks's Seventh Grade Reader: Spring(Poem) and April and May poems, pages 131-132.

Cyr's Fourth Grade Reader(mislabeled on Google): Biography of Tennyson. Two of his spring poems: Early Spring and The Progress of Spring.

The Elson Eighth Grade Reader: Flowers in the Crannied Wall, Tennyson. Same in fifth grade reader.

A School Second Grade Reader: Ceres and Propserpine.

Lessons in Art - A Book for Class-work: Ceres and Proserpine.

American Primary Teacher: Lesson Plans for April - May.

Evenings with Grandpa: A May Morning, Milton and The Story of the Season Proserpine.

The Fifth Grade Reader: An April Day

Flower Children - Little Cousins of the Field

Songs of Happy Life: See bottom of table of contents - Natures and Seasons

Little Flower Folks(nature science - botany)

In celebration of Shakespeake's birthday on April 23th:

Three Years with the Poets(second grade): Lullaby for Tatiana

The Jones Fourth Grade Reader: Voice of Spring(Poem) and The Magic Juice(Midsummer's Night's Dream)

Shakespeare for Children.

Also see my daffodil post.