Monday, October 11, 2010

The Boys' and Girls' Reader: Fourth[Grade] Reader/Google Books

Title The Boys' and Girls' Reader: Fourth[Grade] Reader
Author Emma Miller Bolenius
Publisher Houghton Mifflin company, 1919

Teacher's Manual

Colonial Virginia/Google Books

Title Colonial Virginia
Authors Julian Alvin Carroll Chandler, Travis Butler Thames
Length 388 pages
Publisher Times-Dispatch Company, 1907

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to Study Nature in Elementary School/Google Books

Title How to Study Nature in Elementary School: A Flexible Manual for Teachers
Author John Dawson Wilson
Publisher C.W. Bardeen, 1900
Length 63 pages

Monday, October 4, 2010

Stories of Woods and Fields/Google Books

Title Stories of Woods and Fields
Nature and industry readers
Author Elizabeth Virginia Brown
Publisher World book company, 1902
Length 192 pages

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nature Pictures by American Poets(Seasonal Poetry)/Google books

Title Nature Pictures by American Poets
Editor Annie Russell Marble
Compiled by Annie Russell Marble
Publisher the Macmillan company, 1899
Length 205 pages

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Little Folks in Feathers and Fur, and Others in Neither/Google Books

Title Little Folks in Feathers and Fur, and Others in Neither
Author Olive Thorne Miller
Illustrated by Hildibrand, A. Mesnel, Ecosse
Publisher E. P. Dutton & Company, 1880
Length 357 pages

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life Histories of American Insects/Google Books

Title Life Histories of American Insects
Author Clarence Moores Weed
Publisher The Macmillan company, 1897
Length 272 pages

Grasshopper Green's Garden: A Nature Reader for Elementary Schools

Title Grasshopper Green's Garden: the story of some wonderful little lives : a nature reader for elementary schools
Author Julia Augusta Schwartz
Publisher Little, Brown, and Co., 1909
Length 197 pages

The Golden Ladder Book(Third Grade Reader)/Google Books

"This particular book, designed for pupils approximately of the third grade, embodies all the fundamental features of the Series. It deals with the virtues and vices peculiar to children of this age. The material has been prepared with the utmost care. Very naturally in a Reader for pupils of this grade the personal, home, and school virtues are especially emphasized rather than those of a broader social life, which belong to a later period of the child's unfolding...."

Title The Golden Ladder Book: A School Reader

Authors Elias Hershey Sneath, George Hodges, Edward Lawrence Stevens
Publisher Macmillan, 1913
Length 264 pages

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints/Google Books

Title Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints: with reflections for every day in the year : compiled from "Butler's Lives" and other approved sources : to which are added lives of the American saints : placed on the calendar for the United States by special petition of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore
Editor John Gilmary Shea
Publisher Benziger, 1894
Length 625 pages

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Children of Ancient Rome/Google Books

Title Children of Ancient Rome
Author Louise Lamprey
Publisher Little, Brown, and Company, 1922
Length 262 pages

Friday, September 17, 2010

Child's History of Rome, to Octavius Caesar, surnamed Augustus, and the Birth of Jesus Christ/Google Books

Title Child's history of Rome, to Octavius Cæsar, surnamed Augustus, and the birth of Jesus Christ: The conquests of the seven hills
Author Caroline Hyde Butler Laing
Publisher H.T. Coates & co., 1875

Romulus/Google Books

Title Romulus
Author Jacob Abbott
Publisher Harper, 1901
Length 310 pages

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Child's Zoological Garden/Google Books

Title The Child's Zoological Garden
Published 1881
Pages 262

Formal and indepth. Written for older children, or as a read aloud.