Monday, January 4, 2010

The Land of the Long Night/Project Gutenberg

Good for learning geography of the Northern Europe(mid-elementary school level).

Click here.

School Arithmetics: Primary Book

School arithmetics: primary book
Author Florian Cajori
Publisher Macmillan, 1914
Length 285 pages

A Text-book of Physics/Google Books

A text-book of physics
Author George Albert Wentworth
Publisher Ginn & company, 1898
Length 440 pages

An Introductory Logic

An introductory logic
Author James Edwin Creighton
Publisher The Macmillan company, 1909
Length 520 pages

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wentworth & Hill's Examination Manual, Issue 1(Arithmetic)/Google Books

No answer booklet, just test. Appears to cover elementary school and early middle school mathematics, and probably proceeds, School Arithmetics(Grades 7 and 8).

Wentworth & Hill's examination manuals, Issue 1
Authors George Albert Wentworth, George Anthony Hill
Publisher Ginn & Co., 1894

School Arithmetics(Grades 7 and 8)/Google Books

School arithmetics
Wentworth-Smith mathematical series
School Arithmetics, George Albert Wentworth
Book 3 of School arithmetics: book one-three
Authors George Albert Wentworth, David Eugene Smith
Publisher Ginn, 1920

School Algebra(Grades 5 and 6) + Teacher's Copy/Google books

Wentworth-Smith mathematical series
School Arithmetics, George Albert Wentworth
Book 2 of School arithmetics: book one-three
Authors George Albert Wentworth, David Eugene Smith
Publisher Ginn, 1920

School algebra: teachers' edition
Book 2 of School Algebra, George Albert Wentworth
Wentworth-Smith mathematical series
Author George Albert Wentworth
Publisher Ginn and Company, 1913

Solid Geometry/Google Books

Solid geometry
Wentworth-Smith mathematical series
Authors George Albert Wentworth, David Eugene Smith
Publisher Ginn and Company, 1913
Length 191 pages

Elementary geometry, plane and solid: for use in high schools and academies/Google Books

Elementary geometry, plane and solid: for use in high schools and academies
Author Thomas Franklin Holgate
Publisher The Macmillan company, 1901
Length 440 pages

THE Book of Elegies(English Classics)/Google Books

Published 1893


Friday, December 25, 2009

Gulliver's Travels into Some Remote Countries/Google books

Gulliver's Travels rewritten for younger children.

Gulliver's travels into some remote countries
Authors Jonathan Swift, James Baldwin
Publisher American Book Co., 1908
Length 172 pages


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Guide to Systematic Readings in the Encyclopedia Britannica

Many courses of study and reading guides.

A guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopedia Britannica: new & revised ed
Author James Baldwin
Publisher Werner co., 1897


Encyclopedia Britannica here.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Winston Readers, The Primer/Google Books

The Winston readers
The Winston Readers, Ethel Maltby Gehres
Authors Sidney Grant Firman, Ethel Maltby Gehres
Publisher J.C. Winston, 1918


Teacher's manual

Reading Literature, Second Grade Reader/Google Books

Reading literature
The Reading-literature series, Harriette Taylor Treadwell
Authors Harriette Taylor Treadwell, Margaret Free
Publisher Row, Peterson and Co., 1912


Friday, December 18, 2009

The Trees and Plants Mentioned in the Bible/Google Books

The trees and plants mentioned in the Bible
Publisher Religious Tract Society, 1895
Original from the University of Wisconsin - Madison
Length 235 pages

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Education by Plays and Games/Google Books

Ages 0-15.
Education by plays and games
Author George Ellsworth Johnson
Publisher Ginn & company, 1907
Length 234 pages