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John James Audubon, Lover and Student of Birds i
Mark Hopkins, President of Williams College . . . .11
Cyrus H. McCoRM1CK, Inventor of the Reaper .... 20
Charles Goodyear, a Man who Persevered .... 30
William T. G.morton, Master of Pain 39
Elias Howe, Inventor of the Sewing-Machine .... 47
Maria Mitchell, Astronomer and Teacher 54
Henry Oscar Houghton, Printer and Publisher . . .61
Cyrus W. Field, the Manwho Laid the Atlantic Cable. . .71
Jean Lou1s Rodolphe Agassiz, Beloved Teacher of Science . 79
Julia Ward Howe, Author of the "Battle Hymn of the Repub-
George Thorndike Angell, Knight of Kindness to Animals 97
Luther Burbank, Plant-Breeder 106
Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of the Telephone . .115
John Wanamaker, Founder of the Store . . .122
Frances E. Willard, Temperance Reformer 132
Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross . . . 140
Booker T. Washington, Founder of Tuskegee Institute . . 147
Augustus Saint-gaudens, Greatest American Sculptor . .157
James Jerome Hill, Builder of Railroads 168
John Muir, the Man who Loved Trees and Mountains . .179
Theodore Thomas, the Man who Taught us to Love Music . 189
Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor 199
Edwin Austin Abbey, Illustrator and Painter .... 208
Samuel Pierpont Langley, Inventor of the First Heavier-than-
Andrew Carnegie, the Man who Would not Die Rich . . 228
William Crawford Gorgas, who Made the Canal Zone
Robert E. Peary, Discoverer of the North Pole .... 245