Thursday, July 10, 2008

Vintage Catholic Comic Books

"The Treasure Chest of Fun & Fact was a Catholic comic book published by George A. Pflaum of Dayton, Ohio, and provided to Catholic parochial school students between 1946 and 1972. The digital collection is a project that includes the first eighteen volumes running from 1946 to 1963. (Some issues in Volume 4 are missing.)"

Click here.

HT to Soutenus

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July Stories, Independence Day (USA)

A few Fourth of July stories from Good Stories for Great Holidays. See Table of Contents here, and then "page forward" at link.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nature Study in Elementary Schools, Readers/Google Books

First Reader: The title mentions that this is a first reader; however, it looks a bit advanced for a first reader, more like a second grade leveled reader. Take a look to determine for yourself.

Second Reader, Myths, Stories, and Stories: Again, seems advanced for second grade, more like a third grade reader.

Both are very nice month-by-month nature readers.