Wednesday, June 27, 2007

History of the United States, Vol. I (of VI) by E. Benjamin Andrews/Project Gutenberg

Click on the picture.

About My Book Sources

I am purposefully not looking at other categorized sources of free homeschool books, like those on my sidebar. Finding these books on my own is what makes this endeavour enjoyable for me. It's no fun just copying someone else's lists. It's the process, not the end result which holds my interest. I'm learning more by researching these on my own. Although, I'll take suggestions or leads!

Another benefit of free public domain books is a source of free vintage images. Many of these books are available with their original illustrations, beautiful etchings and color plates. I'm collecting these to use on my blogs, and to share on my flickr account.

If I do list any public domain books or images here gained from someone else's research, I'll give proper credit with a HT.

What I plan to do is research and list as much as I can on my own, then use other compiled sources by referring visitors with hyperlinks to round out my categories. I've already done a little of this with history. In Beauty and In Grace had a wonderful list for free Henty books to which I have linked.

Enjoy, and hope you discover some wonderful readings here!

Infant's Delight(Christian Poetry)/Project Gutenberg

Click here.

Saturday, June 23, 2007